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Andrew Sterman


Andrew Sterman is author of Welcoming Food: Diet as Medicine for Home Cooks and Other Healers (available February 2020). Book 1 explains Food Energetics and Healing from a Chinese medicine perspective, and book 2 is Recipes and Kitchen Practice, with each recipe decoded for energetics and strategy. Based in New York City, Andrew works with clients in the areas of dietary therapy, medical qigong and meditation, and writes a regular column for the Golden Flower Chinese Herbs newsletter. Andrew first entered Chinese medicine through qigong and taiji in 1988. He began studying the healing potential of food at the same time by enrolling at the Natural Gourmet Cookery School. Seeking to deepen his understanding of food energetics, Andrew began formal study of Chinese herbal medicine, diagnostics, medical theory, and dietary therapy with Master Jeffrey Yuen in 2001. Andrew’s parallel career as a professional musician enables him to travel extensively and learn from chefs of many cultures, further inspiring him to discover unique ways to incorporate food and healing into daily cooking routines. At home, Andrew cooks for his wife, author and acupuncturist Ann Cecil-Sterman, and their two children.

Live Events with Andrew Sterman


from April 6, 2020

Dietary Support for Wei Qi for Covid-19 Prevention or Maintenance

Andrew Sterman
Andrew Sterman

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