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Diane Gioioso


Diane Gioioso is an acupuncturist, Chinese herbalist, and intuitive healer. She has a concentration on fertility, pregnancy and postpartum care. Her work emphasizes healing as a developmental process. Diane enthusiastically teaches courses to the Chinese medical and birth communities around the country. She has been a student of Master Jeffery Yuen for two decades. She formerly served as Chinese herbal and doctoral faculty at Maryland University of Integrative Health. She is the founder of Nine Stars, a company producing high quality Chinese herbal remedies.

Series by Diane Gioioso

Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics
Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Diane Gioioso
Diane Gioioso
Robin Ray Green
Robin Ray Green
Gali Stoffman
Gali Stoffman
Thea Elijah
Thea Elijah
David Miller
David Miller

Courses by Diane Gioioso

Pediatric Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with JingShen Pediatrics - Course 1
Module 1: Essentials of Pediatric Acupuncture
Moshe Heller
Moshe Heller
Stephen Cowan
Stephen Cowan
Diane Gioioso
Diane Gioioso

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