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Patricia Baley


Dr. Patricia Baley, DVM, PhD, CVA, CVH, FAAVA, graduated from Texas A&M University’s School of Veterinary Medicine in 1999 and then became certified in animal acupuncture through the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society in 2001. She also studied Chinese Herbalism, Tui-Na, and Traditional Chinese Medicine Food Therapy through the Chi Institute, based in Florida. Dr. Baley currently practices Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine on dogs, cats, birds, exotic animals, and horses at her mobile practice based in Hockley, Texas.

To learn more about Dr. Baley and the work she does, you can visit her website –

Courses by Patricia Baley

Patricia Baley
Patricia Baley
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians
The 8 Extraordinary Meridians
Patricia Baley
Patricia Baley
Why Luo Mai?
Why Luo Mai?
Patricia Baley
Patricia Baley

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