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Sahil Kapur


Having suffered from eye amblyopia at birth and recurrent allergic rhinitis, Dr Sahil personally experienced the limitations of conventional medicine and was drawn to acupuncture as therapy. After an MBBS from Goa Medical College, he pursued a degree in Anaesthesia and Critical Care from Sri Aurobindo Institute of Medical Sciences (SAIMS), Indore, and a Post-Doctoral Certificate Course in Pain Management from Banaras Hindu University. Committed to helping others like him recover from chronic conditions, he came to Acupuncture in 2016, pursuing a Certification in Acupuncture from Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine. He has since been practicing at the Kapur Acupuncture Clinic. It is his core belief that involving patients in their recovery goes a long way in maximising the healing process and improving outcomes.

Dr Sahil is a Member of a number of associations, including the Indian Society of Pain Physicians, Indian Society of Pain Clinicians, Indian Society of Anesthesiologists, Indian Society of Medical Acupuncture and the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Societies.

Courses by Sahil Kapur

Japanese Prickling Neuro-Stimulation Protocol
Japanese Prickling Neuro-Stimulation Protocol
Raman Kapur
Raman Kapur
Sunita Kapur
Sunita Kapur
Sahil Kapur
Sahil Kapur

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