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Sunita Kapur


After studying Medicine at Lady Hardinge Medical College, Delhi, in 1982, Dr Sunita Kapur chose to specialise in Paediatrics. An intimate, personal experience with acupuncture, however, transformed the course of her professional life. Having benefited from the life-altering benefits of acupuncture, she decided to study acupuncture at Hongkong, Beijing and Nanjing (China) and learnt from teachers of TCM in USA, Canada, Korea and Australia.

Intense engagements pushed her to embrace not just a new system of healing, but to trust her instincts and pursue acupuncture in hitherto unexplored fields, especially women's health - from conception to birth and after. She trained with world renowned experts - Jane Lyttleton, Debra Betts, Randine Lewis, in the field of infertility and gynaecology. She started private practice in 1990 and joined Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, as a consultant in 2002, and made many breakthroughs through her clinical interventions. Through her practice, she treats a variety of ailments every week.

Driven by a deep passion for academics, she set up IANM in 1992, with the desire to share the history, philosophy and techniques of acupuncture with a greater number of doctors and infuse lives with hope, change, happiness and well-being. Dr Sunita remains actively engaged in pedagogy and has so co-authored three books on acupuncture - A Guide to Acupuncture and Tissue Cleansing System, Soft Lasers in Medical Practice and Acupuncture Cure for Common Diseases.

Courses by Sunita Kapur

Japanese Prickling Neuro-Stimulation Protocol
Japanese Prickling Neuro-Stimulation Protocol
Raman Kapur
Raman Kapur
Sunita Kapur
Sunita Kapur
Sahil Kapur
Sahil Kapur

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