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Toni Krehel


In family practice for over 20 years, Dr. Toni Krehel, AP specializes in the treatment of persistent illnesses & chronic inflammation (Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy and Microcurrent Therapy). As the Florida director for the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) since 2001, Dr. Krehel advocates/educates for medical freedom and informed consent rights for doctors & patients, and she has been instrumental in changing policies in the State of Florida to advance and protect these rights. Author of numerous articles and two continuing education courses on post vaccine syndromes, Krehel educates patients, students & the public on the side effects & pathways of chronic disease progression post vaccination per TCM principles of immunology.

Courses by Toni Krehel

Modern Illness, Chronic Inflammation & Our Future Patients
Modern Illness, Chronic Inflammation & Our Future Patients
Toni Krehel
Toni Krehel
PVS & the Pathogenesis of Xue Yu - Blood Stasis
PVS & the Pathogenesis of Xue Yu - Blood Stasis
Toni Krehel
Toni Krehel

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